We ensure the security of your data consistently and everywhere

Are your crisis management procedures consistently accessible? Is your Active Directory or list of Emergency Contacts current and readily available? And is the critical data essential for business operations (such as orders, payslips, and contracts) easily accessible and available?

Astran developed a seamless integration of cloud capabilities and data security without the complexity of traditional encryption methods. By employing algorithms that encode and fragment data into secure shards, Astran ensures the highest level of availability and data security.

Seamless Cloud Integration

Astran provides businesses with a hassle-free integration of cloud capabilities, eliminating the complexities associated with traditional encryption methods.

Proved Algorithms under NIST standardization

Our cutting-edge algorithms encode and fragment data into secure shards, ensuring maximum security and compliance without compromising data integrity.

GDPR and NIS2 Compliance

Astran provides full compliance with GDPR and NIS2 regulations, offering businesses peace of mind in the realm of data protection.

Very Simple User-Friendly Access

We offer user-friendly access through our S3 compatible API and Salesforce and Google drive plug-ins. This streamlined approach ensures efficiency and ease of use.

Start right away; No need for an expert.

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